Aphex Twin – John Peel Session (1992)

  • First broadcast Date: 09/09/1992
  • Format: Radio 1 Broadcast (UK)
  1. Illumin-F (aka Italic Eyeball) (4,26) (►)
  2. Blue Calx (6,58) (►)
  3. Quintute (aka Quixote) (4,50) (►)
  4. AFX6 (aka Cunt)  (4,14) (►)
  5. TQT (aka We Have Arrived TTQ Mix) (5,05) (►)
  • Note: The track names are listed above as read by John Peel in 1992.
  • Note: The AFX6 track title predated the Cunt title, and has a naming link with AFX6/b on Analogue Bubblebath 3. Both are arguably ‘Caustic Window’ material.
  • Note: Quintute differs from the released Surfing on Sine Waves version (titled Quixote) with the addition of an ethereal voiced intro.